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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 34, Issue 6, pp. 1253-1502

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On the Discrete Spectrum of Systems in the Plane and the Davey--Stewartson II Equation

Javier Villarroel and Mark J. Ablowitz

pp. 1253-1278

Existence of Weak Solutions to Some Vortex Density Models

Qiang Du and Ping Zhang

pp. 1279-1299

Optimal Rate of Convergence for Anisotropic Vanishing Viscosity Limit of a Scalar Balance Law

Charalambos Makridakis and Benoît Perthame

pp. 1300-1307

Asymptotic Decay toward the Rarefaction Waves of Solutions for Viscous Conservation Laws in a One-Dimensional Half Space

Tohru Nakamura

pp. 1308-1317

Sharp Sobolev Inequality of Logarithmic Type and the Limiting Regularity Condition to the Harmonic Heat Flow

Takayoshi Ogawa

pp. 1318-1330

A Gas-Solid Free Boundary Problem for a Compressible Viscous Gas

Feimin Huang, Akitaka Matsumura, and Xiaoding Shi

pp. 1331-1355

Analysis of a Semilinear PDE for Modeling Static Solutions of Josephson Junctions

J. G. Caputo, N. Flytzanis, A. Tersenov, and E. Vavalis

pp. 1356-1379

Young Measure Solutions for Nonconvex Elastodynamics

Marc Oliver Rieger

pp. 1380-1398

On the Oort--Hulst--Safronov Coagulation Equation and Its Relation to the Smoluchowski Equation

Miroslaw Lachowicz, Philippe Laurençot, and Dariusz Wrzosek

pp. 1399-1421

First Boundary Value Problem for the Diffusion Equation I. Iterated Logarithm Test for the Boundary Regularity and Solvability

Ugur G. Abdulla

pp. 1422-1434

Vortex Motion Law for the Schrödinger--Ginzburg--Landau Equations

Daniel Spirn

pp. 1435-1476

Diffractive Nonlinear Geometric Optics for Short Pulses

Deborah Alterman and Jeffrey Rauch

pp. 1477-1502